Notes for the Eaten Articles

An archive of all Notes for the Eaten articles on the site

March Molding and Resin Casting Workshop


In March I participated in a casting workshop, getting my first hands on with molding and resin casting.

Maui Notes


Notes from my recent trip to Maui.

See? It's January


It's that time of year again; the droll, grey, seemingly forever empty days of January

2023 End of the Year Wrap Up


Catching up on the latest details and looking back on 2023

Sculpting Freddy Krueger


For my next sculpt, I attempted to recreate a pose from a childhood poster.

Sculpting Tools


In an effort to document my sculpting journey, I present you with a list of tools.

Memory Play


A little word salad surrounding thoughts of memory and change.

First Sculpt Completed


I Finished My First Sculpt

New Artistic Pursuit


I've started learning to sculpt in clay.

I Started Seeing a Counselor


Like the title says, I started seeing a counselor.

Winter Blues


Fighting the winter doldrums

A Conversation with ChatGPT


A transcript of my first converstation with ChatGPT.

2022 End of the Year Wrap Up


2022 end of the year wrap up – a quick summary of 2022, goals achieved, goals missed, and my wishes for the coming year.

What’s Been Going on of Late


A quick laundry list of what’s been going on of late in my life. Work, blog platform, sporadic writing, etc.

Pizza Party


A comic I’ll call, “Pizza Party”, from 2008. Recently found on a old photo sharing site. Created shortly before the 2008 recession.

Aged Like Milk


My dire prediction for the mid-term election has aged like milk. That’s quite okay with me.

The Days and the Dark Days


A short recap of the days, autumns return, writing struggles, the dark political days ahead.

The Days Run Away


The days run away, quick notes highlighting the busyness of the days, notes on turning 47 and the speed at which time seems to pass.

Thoughts on A.I. Generated Art


Ideas and opinions about the future of art and artists with the advent of A.I. generated art. Touches on Artbreeder, Midjourney, and Dall-E 2.

Cover Art


A quick update and snapshot of the cover art in development, and a short note on the latest long form piece in progress.

Site Updates, Life Updates


A quick round-up of site updates and life updates: what’s been going on with the new site design, homepage illustration, and work updates.

Covid Residuals


Short post commenting on continuing Covid symptoms and the impact it has made on the ability to maneuver daily life.

I Also Won Covid


Following up the “Winning Post”, I win myself some Covid as well. After 2.5 years of health I finally succumbed to the latest variant.

Winning Something


Winning free concert tickets through a raffle brings to mind thoughts of my father who was a dedicated lottery player.

Daily Routine


Short post commenting on daily routines, and the acknowledgement that daily news of gun violence is part of that routine.

This 4th of July


Short notes on celebrating the 4th of July and patriotism. An update on the state of this blog and a coming revamp.

Incremental Edits


Making incremental edits to a piece of writing, how the edits seem to domino at times, and the hope that with each edit comes growth.

Writing Daily


A short post on writing daily for the “Notes for the Eaten” category, the past benefit of daily writing, and how I envision this working.



A mundane Saturday that continued a feeling of catharsis: yard work, an afternoon stroll, a little TV, and hanging with the dogs.

Everything's Fucked


A cathartic expelling of disappointment and disgust detailing how everything’s fucked, from the politicization of the Supreme Court, the dismantling and denigration of American democracy, to climate change.