It’s been busy. We’ve rolled right into the first of the year, and a good portion of my free time has been spent working on all things Shapeshifter Sculpting related. From sculpting, to molding and casting, to making huge messes and fucking shit up, to creating collectible works. It’s been an adventure and it is still unfolding. On top of everything needed to create the work and make actual products, I’m writing one blog post a week, and trying to do some social media outreach.
But really, it’s been great. I’m busy but in a good way. I’m still making time to exercise. I’m still making time for the family. Thanks to having a temp controlled garage, I can go to my workshop at anytime and it’s welcoming. I’ll typically scoot out there once Erin goes down for the night. And then make some time during the weekend days.
It’s Thursday. Thankfully the week is coming to a close. I’m tired. Need a good night's sleep so I am energized this weekend and can get some shite done. On my list of to dos:
- Cast more bio mechanicals. As many as possible until the body mold fails.
- Work on color scheme for the biomechanical.
- Wrap up the blast face zombie and mold him.
- Cast the zombie.
- Continue work on the new piece.
- Supplies: cups, new stamp, paint brushes.
- Fine engraving Dremel tips.
I haven’t documented what I’ve done here at UHMM, because I’ve been documenting it over there. So, if you want to read up on the shop and its development, head over to the Shapeshifter blog.
What I wanted to do on this post is catch up on documenting my sculpts. I have finished both the biomechanical and the zombie. Notes and pics below.
Four months of work. I feel like it is a really cool sculpture and it came out well. It’s highly detailed and I haven’t seen anyone doing anything like it. It’s a homage to H.R. Giger. Some Alien influence, as well as inspiration from a variety of his works. I put together a board of images and used them as jumping off points. The whole thing broke itself out into a symmetrical design. Giger has so much of that in his work. Guess what? Symmetry is fucking hard! Overall I feel I did good by him. I’ve received a good amount of positive feedback.
It’s been a real bitch to mold and cast due to all of that detail I mentioned above. So many nooks and crannies and undercuts. If I want to go ultra small and fine details like this I’m going to have to do better on shoring up all of the nooks and crannies. They wreak havoc on the molds.
To see a breakdown of the glove mold that was made for this thing, go here.
Zombie: Blast Face
I call him Blast Face because he looks like he may have taken a partial shotgun blast to his face. One aspect of Blast Face I wanted to achieve was timeliness. To increase speed and execution. I was successful on this. I believe I knocked him out in about a week and a half to two weeks.
I just extended his body a bit so he could stand up without the need of a stand. I also added an area for a branding stamp. The stamp I have is a bit too big for him so I need to order a smaller one.
This guy was a lot of fun to sculpt. Getting into all of the flesh rot and wrinkles was absorbing. So much fun that I’m working on a second zombie. Well, it was my original intent: do two zombie busts. What I’ll do after this? Not sure. I’m thinking maybe some magnets? Maybe a full figure?
Wrap Up:
I’ve been staying busy with all things Shapeshifter Sculpting, and expect this will be the case for the foreseeable future. I’m registering to be a vendor at the BCAF this year in August, so there will be a lot to do, and a lot to learn. These are exciting times.
While I just wanted to document the last two sculptures in this post, I’ll be posting again to document the daily stuff of life. Not that it’s important to you, dear imaginary reader. No, it’s important to me. I want to be able to look back and remember some of the finer details of these days. The bits that disappear from your memories, and make you shake your head in wonder.
Until then…peace!