It’s hard to believe it has been about five months since the last Heavy Rotation. Time does move swiftly. There was plenty of music playing as the soundtrack to a blistering hot, and smoke filled summer. Fall is now upon us…and it still feels summery. The foothills were just on fire last week, so here’s to hoping we truly get a fall season soon.
There were some surprises in the past few months. A new release, and might I say, solid album, from The Jesus Lizard. They have been a favorite of mine since high school, so it was exciting to have a new release after many years without. Likewise, we have a forthcoming release from The Cure. No idea how long it has been since they released an album of new material, but I’m looking forward to listening to their output.
This addition has a good mix of music, and music styles. Some of these bands I only know by way of the single track added here, others more in-depth. I do have a few recommendations for further investigation, just to put these on the radar as they stand out to me: Enola Gay, Death Grips, and Chat Pile.
This coming weekend I’ll be taking Juniper to see Gojira and Korn. This ought to be an experience. I haven’t seen Korn in 25 years, and this will likely be the last time. Definitely looking forward to seeing Gojira. I’ll have to do a metal rotation here soon. Until then…