Site Articles
An archive of all Articles on the site
Writing Daily
A short post on writing daily for the “Notes for the Eaten” category, the past benefit of daily writing, and how I envision this working.
A mundane Saturday that continued a feeling of catharsis: yard work, an afternoon stroll, a little TV, and hanging with the dogs.
Everything's Fucked
A cathartic expelling of disappointment and disgust detailing how everything’s fucked, from the politicization of the Supreme Court, the dismantling and denigration of American democracy, to climate change.
Heavy Rotation: The Week of 6-4-2022
Covering musical selections from All Them Witches, Thee Alcoholics, Pohl, Alex Maas, Hurray for the Riff Raff, Hans Zimmer, Mudvayne, and The Smile.
Ghosts: Part 2
The recollection of a young mans enlistment in the Marine Corps and the memories of Marine Corps boot camp.
Ghosts: Part 1
A recording inspires the recollection of a young mans wasted youth and subsequent entry into the Marine Corps.
The Meatloaf: Peppermint Piece Edit Two
Second edit of Peppermint excerpt. This edit hones in on the difficult matter of dinner time meatloaf, and fantasies of winning the lottery.
Elvis Partaking of a Large Cola Outside Flagstaff
Digital artwork of Elvis partaking of a large cola outside of Flagstaff, Arizona. Post talks about the image, process, and more.
Peppermint Piece: Vietnam and the Meatloaf
Excerpt from larger story with working title of Peppermint. Introduces characters, touches on Vietnam, and a particularly difficult meatloaf.